
Sunday, 29 September 2013

More on iOS 7 and motion sickness

More on iOS 7 and motion sickness
There's been a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about iOS 7 and effects its parallax scrolling, zooming, and other animations have had on some people with acute visual sensitivities. Lumped together as "motion sickness", the issue is, as you'd expect, far more varied and nuanced than a lot of reporting to date has suggested. If it doesn't bother you, great. Internet high-five. If it does, Craig Grannell has continued to provide some of the best coverage of the issue anywhere, more recently on The Guardian:
Triggers and symptoms vary, but TidePool mobile app developer Jenni Leder's experience is not uncommon. A self-professed power-user, she frequently switches apps; but on iOS 7, this has caused headaches and feelings associated with motion sickness. "I now have to close my eyes or cover the screen during transitions, which is ridiculous," she told The Guardian, adding that there's nowhere to hide: "It's not apps that affect me, but accessing them. Tap a folder and the view zooms in. Tap an app and it's like flying through the icon and landing in that app's micro world — and I'm getting dizzy on the journey there."
We've already shared a few tips on how to minimize what effects iOS allows you to minimize. Georgia recommends using a plain colored background, because it won't change visually even in those areas Apple doesn't allow you to disable. John Siracusa on the latest episode of Accidental Tech Podcast also suggested deliberately following zooming motions with your eyes when you can predict their point of origin.
Until Apple provides a global setting, developers can also allow the bigger motion effects to be turned off inside their own apps, like James Thomson has done with PCalc. If you're having trouble and have found any other workarounds, please add them to the comments. Every little bit might help.
Source: The Guardian

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